
ABFER | Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research

The Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) is an institute founded by academics from Asia, North America, and Europe. The Bureau intends to create a virtual and independent network of high-quality academics akin to the NBER/CEPR, as well as conferences and workshops.

For the 11th annual ABFER conference held on 20-23 May 2024, IREUS organised tracks on real estate and household finance.

2023 Summer Real Estate Research Symposium

The 2023 Pre-WFA Summer Real Estate Research Symposium held in San Francisco from 24 - 25 June 2023.

The focus of the Symposium is on the intersection of real estate and finance, broadly defined. Previous conferences have included both theoretical and empirical papers on a wide range of topics, including housing, mortgages, REITs, leasing, investment and urban economics.