Commentaries / Op-Eds


Lianhe Zaobao, 29 May 2024

新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院星期一(4月29日)发布3月的非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据显示,3月本地非有地私宅整体转售价转跌,但与去年同期相比仍上涨3.5%。今年前3个月,非有地私宅整体转售价格上涨0.3%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 30 Apr 2024

新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院星期三(2月28日)发布1月的非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据显示,本地非有地私宅整体转售价微涨0.3%,较前一个月0.7%涨幅放缓。不包括小型公寓的非中央区私宅转售价环比上涨0.5%,上个月则环比上涨0.4%,连续上涨两个月。
Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Feb 2024

国立大学房地产与城市研究院星期一(1月29日)发布去年12月非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据显示,本地非有地私宅整体转售价稍微上升,与11月份的下跌0.6%相反。
Lianhe Zaobao, 30 Jan 2024


Lianhe Zaobao, 31 Oct 2023

Flash estimates for the overall SRPI on Oct 30 indicate that prices of resale private non-landed residential properties in Singapore grew 0.7% m-o-m in September.
EdgeProp, 30 Oct 2023

Prof Qian talks about the new classification system and what it entails for BTO and resale owners and buyers.
The Business Times, 26 Oct 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Sep 2023

新加坡国立大学房地产(房地产系和房地产与城市研究院的统称)星期三(8月30日)发布今年次季房地产行情指数(Real Estate Sentiment Index,简称RESI)显示,黄金地段住宅房地产第二季当前行情百分比净值(current net balances)为负40%,意味净40%的受访者对这个领域表示悲观。
Lianhe Zaobao, 31 Aug 2023

As corporates here voice concern about the cost of deploying solar energy, they requested for government support to help defray costs.
The Business Times, 31 Aug 2023

As the two successive rounds of cooling measures exert their effects on the market, prime residential was the most adversely affected in 2Q 2023.
The Business Times, 30 Aug 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 August 2023

联合早报, 28 July 2023

From deferring launches to offering discounts, developers polled in the 1Q 2023 Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) survey share their strategies for coping with the ABSD revisions.
The Business Times, 31 May 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 May 2023

A combination of property cooling measures, elevated interest rates and the banking crisis in the West have led to declining sentiments in the real estate sector since early 2022.
The Business Times, 30 May 2023

Prof Qian said those two rounds of cooling measures in December 2021 and September 2022 have reduced market transaction volume and slowed the growth of prices in the private and HDB resale market, although price levels continue to rise.
Channel NewsAsia, 21 May 2023

As the market appears to turn the corner, should homebuyers now wait to see how prices will pan out? Prof Qian lays out the considerations.
Channel NewsAsia, 17 Apr 2023

国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)2月28日发布1月非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据显示,整体非有地私宅转售价与去年12月持平;主要是因为非中央区的私宅(不包括小型公寓)和小型私宅的价值指数分别萎缩0.3%和0.5%;中央区的私宅价格指数则上扬0.6%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 March 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 11 February 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 January 2023


根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院12月28日公布的最新预估数据,非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)的整体私宅转售价指数11月环比上升0.3%。市场专业人士以及新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院院长钱文澜教授为此发表看法。
Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Dec 2022

As sustainable investing and consumption increasingly gain traction worldwide, how can REITs respond to various challenges to go green, exercise social responsibility and maintain proper governance?
The Business Times, 5 Dec 2022

It's unlikely that public housing would have emerged in the city centre if market forces were left to freely dictate land use there, say these industry experts.
CNA, 3 Dec 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 2 Dec 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 24 Nov 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)11月10日发布的房地产行情指数(RESI)显示,今年第三季行情已没有之前那么乐观。反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从第二季的5.7下滑至第三季的5.1。
Lianhe Zaobao, 11 Nov 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)11月10日发布的房地产行情指数(RESI)显示,今年第三季行情已没有之前那么乐观。反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从第二季的5.7下滑至第三季的5.1。
Lianhe Zaobao, 11 Nov 2022

A substantial majority of respondents polled in the 3Q 2022 RESI survey expected S$2,000 psf to be a new benchmark for private residential properties in the OCR, and 59% envisage this price level to persist over the next one to two years.
The Business Times, 9 Nov 2022

Sentiments took a dip across the board as headwinds buffeted both the global and domestic economies. Results of the 3Q 2022 Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) survey show the Current and Future Sentiment Indices falling from the previous quarter, while the Composite Sentiment Index slid 0.6 points to 5.1, down from 5.7 in 2Q 2022.
The Business Times, 9 Nov 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 7 Nov 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Oct 2022

Blockchain and the tokenisation of real estate: will the process gain traction here and what are the potential risks and challenges going forward? Professor Sing Tien Foo deep dives into the topic.
The Business Times, 6 Oct 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Sep 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) rose 0.4% m-o-m in August, easing from the 1.1% m-o-m growth recorded in July.
EdgeProp, 28 Sep 2022

More million-dollar flats have changed hands over the first nine months of 2022, compared to the whole of last year. While this year looks set to be yet another record year, Professor Sing Tien Foo urges caution as banks may raise mortgage rates in response to the US Fed’s latest rate hike.
The Straits Times, 25 Sep 2022

Highly overleveraged and heavily saddled with debt, will the Chinese property market drag the country’s economy into a prolonged period of stagnation? Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
South China Morning Post, 7 Sep 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 30 Aug 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) increased by 1% m-o-m in July, easing slightly from the 1.2% m-o-m growth recorded in June, based on flash estimates released on Aug 29.
EdgeProp, 29 Aug 2022

The recent Ang Mo Kio SERS exercise caused a stir when some residents discovered they had to top up for replacement flats. Unlike the past, ageing flats nowadays suffer from lease decay, and the anticipated one-for-one replacement without costs may no longer hold true. Going forward, how can SERS evolve with the times? Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 26 Aug 2022

Though escalating interest rates do not appear to be deterring homebuyers, a lower borrowing cap imposed by the TDSR may soften demand. Professor Sing Tien Foo nonetheless urges buyers to be cautious of overextending themselves.
The Business Times, 19 Aug 2022

While million-dollar flats make the headlines, they are nonetheless not typical of the majority of transactions. Professor Sing Tien Foo explains why public housing here is still affordable for the average person.
Channel NewsAsia, 17 Aug 2022

Lianhe Zaobao 中文网, 31 July 2022

With a confluence of factors, including hybrid work and decentralisation of the CBD, suburban malls are anticipated to enjoy better catchment and therefore lead the way in rental recovery. Professor Sing Tien Foo adds that it is also part of retailers' strategy to diversify their risks as business in the Orchard Road shopping belt is highly dependent on tourists.
The Straits Times, 31 July 2022

根据国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)星期四(7月28日)公布的6月份房地产价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据,整体非有地私宅转售价格指数上升1.2%,涨幅显著高于前一个月的0.2%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 29 July 2022

Amid a landscape of uncertainty, homebuyers rush to lock in prices at time of purchase before the rates go further up. Professor Sing Tien Foo, however, urges prudence and cautions against getting overleveraged.
Channel NewsAsia, 28 July 2022

With regard to reclamation works for about 900ha of land off Changi Bay, Prof Sing said that the area is unlikely to have permanent development that may obstruct military defence.
The Business Times, 22 July 2022

Amid global uncertainties, stakeholders in real estate are turning cautious as the Composite Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) decreased from 6.1 in 1Q 2022 to 5.7 in 2Q 2022. Developers nonetheless remain optimistic about residential sales.
The Business Times, 20 July 2022

When the pandemic was wreaking havoc, the industrial sector here proved remarkably resilient. After a short slump, it went on a sustained upward trajectory. Will it likewise weather interest rate hikes and a looming recession? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 19 July 2022

Though the Government has launched 50-year-lease flats so that affected residents of the Ang Mo Kio SERS need not top up for similar replacement flats, many have still expressed preference for the full 99-year units. Prof Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia share their views.
The Straits Times, 17 July 2022

As the gap between replacement flats and old flats involved in a SERS exercise widens, residents’ expectations and market reality diverge. Even as homeowners press for higher compensation, the Government needs to ensure the compensation is fair to other taxpayers and future generations. Dr Lee Nai Jia and Prof Sing Tien Foo share their views.
TODAY, 14 July 2022

With tourist arrivals exceeding 700,000 in Q2 2022, the retail sector here has rebounded substantially since the early pandemic days. But risks still remain as a potential recession looms and Chinese visitors remain muted. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 14 July 2022

The double whammy of rising interest rates and expensive property prices put homebuyers in a bind. Where is the tipping point that will push buyers out of the private residential market? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his analysis.
The Business Times, 11 July 2022

Over the past economic slumps, office rents have outlasted their corresponding recessions and recovery had been relatively slower. Dr Lee Nai Jia explains the mechanics behind the phenomenon.
The Business Times, 30 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 28 Jun 2022

Residents affected by the government acquisitions of 9 flats in Marsiling are not expected to top up for replacement flats of the same type, unlike those in the Ang Mo Kio Sers. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 27 Jun 2022

Property slumps typically outlast their corresponding recessions. As banks raise interest rates to combat inflation, fears of a recession loom. How will the residential market be affected this time? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 27 Jun 2022

While overseas-centric REITs pay higher dividend yields, they nonetheless trade at a discount on the Singapore stock market. Why are REITs with overseas assets underappreciated here? Get a detailed analysis in Professor Sing Tien Foo’s op-ed.
The Business Times, 17 Jun 2022

Some Ang Mo Kio residents affected by the Sers exercise found – to their dismay – that they might have to top up money for similar-sized replacement flats. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
TODAY, 15 Jun 2022

Are shorter leases for commercial land sites good or bad for industry stakeholders? While some analysts feel that capital values may be compromised, Professor Sing Tien Foo says that investors may need to focus on cash flow to generate investment yields, rather than capital gains.
The Straits Times, 10 Jun 2022

Reits that meet certain size and trading thresholds enjoy inclusion onto major indices, which leads to increase in institutional following, and corresponding unit price boost. In equity fundraising (EFR), a higher unit price equates to a lower cost of equity, allowing the Reit to acquire higher quality assets. Thus, a virtuous cycle of expansion can be maintained. Dr Chew Tuan Chiong and Prof Sing Tien Foo share their views.
The Business Times, 9 Jun 2022

Elevated costs and dwindling supply are anticipated to bring private home prices to new highs, but buyer demand is a contributory factor also. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 1 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 May 2022

REITs are securities backed by income-producing real estate such as office, industrial, hospitality or retail assets. In this regard, REITs are barometers of their underlying assets, but are they the same? In their op-ed, senior adjunct research fellow David Dickinson and Professor Sing Tien Foo share their insights.
The Business Times, 30 May 2022

REITs are securities backed by income-producing real estate such as office, industrial, hospitality or retail assets. In this regard, REITs are barometers of their underlying assets, but are they the same? In their op-ed, senior adjunct research fellow David Dickinson and Professor Sing Tien Foo share their insights.
The Business Times, 30 May 2022

With landlords likely to raise rents to buffer their yields against inflation, while consumers cut back on discretionary spending, the retailer is caught in a bind. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 26 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 26 May 2022

The majority of respondents polled in the Q1 2022 NUS+RE survey expect unit prices of new launches in the next 6 months to be moderately or substantially higher. The momentum of new launches is also anticipated to remain strong. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 May 2022

Senior executives in real estate polled in the Q1 2022 NUS+RE survey do not expect the upcoming property tax hikes to dampen prices for new launches. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 May 2022

Amid pandemic headwinds and geopolitical turmoil, inflationary pressure has intensified. On the other hand, a supply boom of homes in the pipeline is anticipated to depress rents. What do these entail for homeowners and investors? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 19 May 2022

Is being selected for a Selective En Bloc Redevelopment exercise a windfall, as some homeowners are inclined to think? In their Channel NewsAsia op-ed, Professor Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia weigh the pros and cons.
Channel NewsAsia, 10 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 9 May 2022

Residential property in Singapore has generally outperformed inflation over the years. However, potential investors need to consider market cyclicity and the cost of holding real estate. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 6 May 2022

根据新加坡国立大学城市与地产研究院(NUS IREUS)提供给《联合早报》的最新数据,以本地受雇家庭的月入中位数和各类型住房平均价格来计算,非有地私宅去年的价格收入比(Price-to-Income Ratio,简称PIR)为15.3,高于2020年的14.1,也超出2013年上一个高峰的14.9,是2011年以来最高。
Lianhe Zaobao, 3 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Apr 2022

From a relatively modest S$1.3 billion in 2020, sustainability linked loans jumped manifold to almost S$64 billion in 2021. Dr Lee Nai Jia explains that this type of debt financing need not be directly linked to green projects and therefore offers companies greater leeway.
The Business Times, 27 April 2022

IREUS director, Professor Sing Tien Foo says that shorter leases for commercial sites – recently announced at a URA dialogue – will accelerate workplace transformations and produce better buildings.
The Business Times, 21 Apr 2022

An IREUS analysis finds that environmentally friendly properties tended to perform better during the global pandemic, with generally smaller drops in valuations when compared to buildings without green certification. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 20 Apr 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 15 April 2022

Corporate boards have become more diverse over the years, with a growing proportion of women taking up leadership positions there. Yet a distinct correlation between companies’ return on equity and board gender diversity has yet to be observed. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 14 Apr 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) in February softened with a 0.1% month-on-month growth, easing from 0.5% in the previous month.
EdgeProp, 30 Mar 2022


Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Mar 2022

Following the Government’s recent announcement to repurchase flats affected by the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP), Professor Sing Tien Foo and other market experts weigh in on the issue.
The Straits Times, 26 Mar 2022

Further border reopening between Singapore and Malaysia anticipated to boost rents here. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 Mar 2022

Victims falling prey to scammers posing as property agents have lost some $190,000 recently, according to The Straits Times. Dr Lee Nai Jia warns that the proliferation of fake listings can tarnish the credibility of property portals.
The Straits Times, 22 Mar 2022

Requests to cancel BTO applications have fallen over 2020 and 2021, despite construction delays caused by the pandemic. Amid pandemic headwinds, buyers see BTO as a reliable and affordable option. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 6 Mar 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)昨天公布的1月份房地产价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据,整体转售价格指数增加0.7%至165.8,连续15个月上扬。
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 March 2022

With property tax rates slated to rise soon, will potential investors seeking capital gains or rental income be deterred? More insights from Dr Lee Nai Jia and Professor Sing Tien Foo in their commentary.
Channel NewsAsia, 25 Feb 2022

Though higher property taxes will raise the cost of home ownership, they are unlikely to trigger an inflation of property prices. Professor Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia share their insights.
TODAY, 21 Feb 2022

新加坡国立大学房地产(房地产系和房地产与城市研究院的统称)昨日联合发布的去年第四季房地产行情指数(Real Estate Sentiment Index,简称RESI),显示市场显著放缓,反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从前一季的6.6,下跌至5.4。
Lianhe Zaobao, 18 Feb 2022

While the composite sentiment index of the Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) slid for the fourth consecutive quarter, it nonetheless remained above 5, suggesting that the overall outlook on current and future conditions remained optimistic. Respondents however cite inflation and rising interest rates as top risks that may dampen the market.
The Business Times, 17 Feb 2022

Following the July 2018 cooling measures, commissions increased as sellers sought to incentivise agents to market their properties amid softened buyer demand. Will the latest round of property curbs drive agent commissions up again?
The Business Times, 17 Feb 2022

While a buoyant rental market might seem to be a good reason to buy residential property, investors need to consider other factors at play and also take a longer-term perspective. Dr Lee Nai Jia offers his insights.
The Business Times, 15 Feb 2022

Following the latest round of property curbs, buying sentiments softened, but less so compared to previously. Does this mean that the recent cooling measures were less effective? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
EdgeProp Singapore, 11 Feb 2022

While the tokenisation of real estate offers opportunities for retail investors to participate in the market, a proper assessment of risk is necessary. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 10 Feb 2022

Given a confluence of factors including project delays and labour disruptions, bullish buying sentiments could still persist after the latest round of cooling measures. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 9 Feb 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Jan 2022

Professor Sing Tien Foo opines that office space is likely to centre on flexibility, with hybrid spaces for mixed use to support a more collaborative and less structured working environment.
The Business Times, 26 Jan 2022

Dr Lee Nai Jia tells The Business Times that for developers, a higher exchange rate will imply lower imported inflation, which means imported construction materials will become cheaper.
The Business Times, 25 Jan 2022

Despite the cooling measures, a confluence of factors – including flats in much sought-after areas reaching MOP soon, delays in BTO projects and pricey private homes – could nonetheless continue to drive demand in the HDB resale market. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As buyers and sellers wait in anticipation in the wake of the property cooling measures, Professor Sing Tien Foo feels that demand in the HDB resale market is likely to remain healthy, and the gap between sellers' asking prices and what buyers are willing to pay is expected to narrow this year.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As REITS-managed malls thrive and expand their footprint here in Singapore, strata-titled shopping centres find themselves being edged out. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As government credit support measures come to a close, and with interest rates anticipated to rise in the later half of 2022, auctions are anticipated to increase. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 12 Jan 2022

Despite a bullish property market, some homeowners last year found themselves unable to fully repay CPF after selling their HDB flats. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 9 Jan 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 7 Jan 2022

Proposed amendments to URA's Housing Developers Rules are intended to help homebuyers make better-informed decisions and also to better protect buyers of uncompleted private residential properties. Dr Lee Nai Jia says that the rule amendments are not likely to be too onerous for existing developers, especially those with good track records.
The Business Times, 5 Jan 2022


Lianhe Zaobao, 31 Oct 2023

Flash estimates for the overall SRPI on Oct 30 indicate that prices of resale private non-landed residential properties in Singapore grew 0.7% m-o-m in September.
EdgeProp, 30 Oct 2023

Prof Qian talks about the new classification system and what it entails for BTO and resale owners and buyers.
The Business Times, 26 Oct 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Sep 2023

新加坡国立大学房地产(房地产系和房地产与城市研究院的统称)星期三(8月30日)发布今年次季房地产行情指数(Real Estate Sentiment Index,简称RESI)显示,黄金地段住宅房地产第二季当前行情百分比净值(current net balances)为负40%,意味净40%的受访者对这个领域表示悲观。
Lianhe Zaobao, 31 Aug 2023

As corporates here voice concern about the cost of deploying solar energy, they requested for government support to help defray costs.
The Business Times, 31 Aug 2023

As the two successive rounds of cooling measures exert their effects on the market, prime residential was the most adversely affected in 2Q 2023.
The Business Times, 30 Aug 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 August 2023

联合早报, 28 July 2023

From deferring launches to offering discounts, developers polled in the 1Q 2023 Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) survey share their strategies for coping with the ABSD revisions.
The Business Times, 31 May 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 May 2023

A combination of property cooling measures, elevated interest rates and the banking crisis in the West have led to declining sentiments in the real estate sector since early 2022.
The Business Times, 30 May 2023

Prof Qian said those two rounds of cooling measures in December 2021 and September 2022 have reduced market transaction volume and slowed the growth of prices in the private and HDB resale market, although price levels continue to rise.
Channel NewsAsia, 21 May 2023

As the market appears to turn the corner, should homebuyers now wait to see how prices will pan out? Prof Qian lays out the considerations.
Channel NewsAsia, 17 Apr 2023

国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)2月28日发布1月非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据显示,整体非有地私宅转售价与去年12月持平;主要是因为非中央区的私宅(不包括小型公寓)和小型私宅的价值指数分别萎缩0.3%和0.5%;中央区的私宅价格指数则上扬0.6%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 March 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 11 February 2023

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 January 2023


根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院12月28日公布的最新预估数据,非有地私宅价格指数(NUS SRPI)的整体私宅转售价指数11月环比上升0.3%。市场专业人士以及新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院院长钱文澜教授为此发表看法。
Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Dec 2022

As sustainable investing and consumption increasingly gain traction worldwide, how can REITs respond to various challenges to go green, exercise social responsibility and maintain proper governance?
The Business Times, 5 Dec 2022

It's unlikely that public housing would have emerged in the city centre if market forces were left to freely dictate land use there, say these industry experts.
CNA, 3 Dec 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 2 Dec 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 24 Nov 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)11月10日发布的房地产行情指数(RESI)显示,今年第三季行情已没有之前那么乐观。反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从第二季的5.7下滑至第三季的5.1。
Lianhe Zaobao, 11 Nov 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)11月10日发布的房地产行情指数(RESI)显示,今年第三季行情已没有之前那么乐观。反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从第二季的5.7下滑至第三季的5.1。
Lianhe Zaobao, 11 Nov 2022

A substantial majority of respondents polled in the 3Q 2022 RESI survey expected S$2,000 psf to be a new benchmark for private residential properties in the OCR, and 59% envisage this price level to persist over the next one to two years.
The Business Times, 9 Nov 2022

Sentiments took a dip across the board as headwinds buffeted both the global and domestic economies. Results of the 3Q 2022 Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) survey show the Current and Future Sentiment Indices falling from the previous quarter, while the Composite Sentiment Index slid 0.6 points to 5.1, down from 5.7 in 2Q 2022.
The Business Times, 9 Nov 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 7 Nov 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Oct 2022

Blockchain and the tokenisation of real estate: will the process gain traction here and what are the potential risks and challenges going forward? Professor Sing Tien Foo deep dives into the topic.
The Business Times, 6 Oct 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Sep 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) rose 0.4% m-o-m in August, easing from the 1.1% m-o-m growth recorded in July.
EdgeProp, 28 Sep 2022

More million-dollar flats have changed hands over the first nine months of 2022, compared to the whole of last year. While this year looks set to be yet another record year, Professor Sing Tien Foo urges caution as banks may raise mortgage rates in response to the US Fed’s latest rate hike.
The Straits Times, 25 Sep 2022

Highly overleveraged and heavily saddled with debt, will the Chinese property market drag the country’s economy into a prolonged period of stagnation? Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
South China Morning Post, 7 Sep 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 30 Aug 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) increased by 1% m-o-m in July, easing slightly from the 1.2% m-o-m growth recorded in June, based on flash estimates released on Aug 29.
EdgeProp, 29 Aug 2022

The recent Ang Mo Kio SERS exercise caused a stir when some residents discovered they had to top up for replacement flats. Unlike the past, ageing flats nowadays suffer from lease decay, and the anticipated one-for-one replacement without costs may no longer hold true. Going forward, how can SERS evolve with the times? Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 26 Aug 2022

Though escalating interest rates do not appear to be deterring homebuyers, a lower borrowing cap imposed by the TDSR may soften demand. Professor Sing Tien Foo nonetheless urges buyers to be cautious of overextending themselves.
The Business Times, 19 Aug 2022

While million-dollar flats make the headlines, they are nonetheless not typical of the majority of transactions. Professor Sing Tien Foo explains why public housing here is still affordable for the average person.
Channel NewsAsia, 17 Aug 2022

Lianhe Zaobao 中文网, 31 July 2022

With a confluence of factors, including hybrid work and decentralisation of the CBD, suburban malls are anticipated to enjoy better catchment and therefore lead the way in rental recovery. Professor Sing Tien Foo adds that it is also part of retailers' strategy to diversify their risks as business in the Orchard Road shopping belt is highly dependent on tourists.
The Straits Times, 31 July 2022

根据国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)星期四(7月28日)公布的6月份房地产价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据,整体非有地私宅转售价格指数上升1.2%,涨幅显著高于前一个月的0.2%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 29 July 2022

Amid a landscape of uncertainty, homebuyers rush to lock in prices at time of purchase before the rates go further up. Professor Sing Tien Foo, however, urges prudence and cautions against getting overleveraged.
Channel NewsAsia, 28 July 2022

With regard to reclamation works for about 900ha of land off Changi Bay, Prof Sing said that the area is unlikely to have permanent development that may obstruct military defence.
The Business Times, 22 July 2022

Amid global uncertainties, stakeholders in real estate are turning cautious as the Composite Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) decreased from 6.1 in 1Q 2022 to 5.7 in 2Q 2022. Developers nonetheless remain optimistic about residential sales.
The Business Times, 20 July 2022

When the pandemic was wreaking havoc, the industrial sector here proved remarkably resilient. After a short slump, it went on a sustained upward trajectory. Will it likewise weather interest rate hikes and a looming recession? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 19 July 2022

Though the Government has launched 50-year-lease flats so that affected residents of the Ang Mo Kio SERS need not top up for similar replacement flats, many have still expressed preference for the full 99-year units. Prof Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia share their views.
The Straits Times, 17 July 2022

As the gap between replacement flats and old flats involved in a SERS exercise widens, residents’ expectations and market reality diverge. Even as homeowners press for higher compensation, the Government needs to ensure the compensation is fair to other taxpayers and future generations. Dr Lee Nai Jia and Prof Sing Tien Foo share their views.
TODAY, 14 July 2022

With tourist arrivals exceeding 700,000 in Q2 2022, the retail sector here has rebounded substantially since the early pandemic days. But risks still remain as a potential recession looms and Chinese visitors remain muted. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 14 July 2022

The double whammy of rising interest rates and expensive property prices put homebuyers in a bind. Where is the tipping point that will push buyers out of the private residential market? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his analysis.
The Business Times, 11 July 2022

Over the past economic slumps, office rents have outlasted their corresponding recessions and recovery had been relatively slower. Dr Lee Nai Jia explains the mechanics behind the phenomenon.
The Business Times, 30 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 28 Jun 2022

Residents affected by the government acquisitions of 9 flats in Marsiling are not expected to top up for replacement flats of the same type, unlike those in the Ang Mo Kio Sers. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 27 Jun 2022

Property slumps typically outlast their corresponding recessions. As banks raise interest rates to combat inflation, fears of a recession loom. How will the residential market be affected this time? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 27 Jun 2022

While overseas-centric REITs pay higher dividend yields, they nonetheless trade at a discount on the Singapore stock market. Why are REITs with overseas assets underappreciated here? Get a detailed analysis in Professor Sing Tien Foo’s op-ed.
The Business Times, 17 Jun 2022

Some Ang Mo Kio residents affected by the Sers exercise found – to their dismay – that they might have to top up money for similar-sized replacement flats. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
TODAY, 15 Jun 2022

Are shorter leases for commercial land sites good or bad for industry stakeholders? While some analysts feel that capital values may be compromised, Professor Sing Tien Foo says that investors may need to focus on cash flow to generate investment yields, rather than capital gains.
The Straits Times, 10 Jun 2022

Reits that meet certain size and trading thresholds enjoy inclusion onto major indices, which leads to increase in institutional following, and corresponding unit price boost. In equity fundraising (EFR), a higher unit price equates to a lower cost of equity, allowing the Reit to acquire higher quality assets. Thus, a virtuous cycle of expansion can be maintained. Dr Chew Tuan Chiong and Prof Sing Tien Foo share their views.
The Business Times, 9 Jun 2022

Elevated costs and dwindling supply are anticipated to bring private home prices to new highs, but buyer demand is a contributory factor also. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 1 Jun 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 May 2022

REITs are securities backed by income-producing real estate such as office, industrial, hospitality or retail assets. In this regard, REITs are barometers of their underlying assets, but are they the same? In their op-ed, senior adjunct research fellow David Dickinson and Professor Sing Tien Foo share their insights.
The Business Times, 30 May 2022

REITs are securities backed by income-producing real estate such as office, industrial, hospitality or retail assets. In this regard, REITs are barometers of their underlying assets, but are they the same? In their op-ed, senior adjunct research fellow David Dickinson and Professor Sing Tien Foo share their insights.
The Business Times, 30 May 2022

With landlords likely to raise rents to buffer their yields against inflation, while consumers cut back on discretionary spending, the retailer is caught in a bind. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 26 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 26 May 2022

The majority of respondents polled in the Q1 2022 NUS+RE survey expect unit prices of new launches in the next 6 months to be moderately or substantially higher. The momentum of new launches is also anticipated to remain strong. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 May 2022

Senior executives in real estate polled in the Q1 2022 NUS+RE survey do not expect the upcoming property tax hikes to dampen prices for new launches. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 May 2022

Amid pandemic headwinds and geopolitical turmoil, inflationary pressure has intensified. On the other hand, a supply boom of homes in the pipeline is anticipated to depress rents. What do these entail for homeowners and investors? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 19 May 2022

Is being selected for a Selective En Bloc Redevelopment exercise a windfall, as some homeowners are inclined to think? In their Channel NewsAsia op-ed, Professor Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia weigh the pros and cons.
Channel NewsAsia, 10 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 9 May 2022

Residential property in Singapore has generally outperformed inflation over the years. However, potential investors need to consider market cyclicity and the cost of holding real estate. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 6 May 2022

根据新加坡国立大学城市与地产研究院(NUS IREUS)提供给《联合早报》的最新数据,以本地受雇家庭的月入中位数和各类型住房平均价格来计算,非有地私宅去年的价格收入比(Price-to-Income Ratio,简称PIR)为15.3,高于2020年的14.1,也超出2013年上一个高峰的14.9,是2011年以来最高。
Lianhe Zaobao, 3 May 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Apr 2022

From a relatively modest S$1.3 billion in 2020, sustainability linked loans jumped manifold to almost S$64 billion in 2021. Dr Lee Nai Jia explains that this type of debt financing need not be directly linked to green projects and therefore offers companies greater leeway.
The Business Times, 27 April 2022

IREUS director, Professor Sing Tien Foo says that shorter leases for commercial sites – recently announced at a URA dialogue – will accelerate workplace transformations and produce better buildings.
The Business Times, 21 Apr 2022

An IREUS analysis finds that environmentally friendly properties tended to perform better during the global pandemic, with generally smaller drops in valuations when compared to buildings without green certification. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 20 Apr 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 15 April 2022

Corporate boards have become more diverse over the years, with a growing proportion of women taking up leadership positions there. Yet a distinct correlation between companies’ return on equity and board gender diversity has yet to be observed. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 14 Apr 2022

The Singapore Residential Price Index (SRPI) in February softened with a 0.1% month-on-month growth, easing from 0.5% in the previous month.
EdgeProp, 30 Mar 2022


Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Mar 2022

Following the Government’s recent announcement to repurchase flats affected by the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP), Professor Sing Tien Foo and other market experts weigh in on the issue.
The Straits Times, 26 Mar 2022

Further border reopening between Singapore and Malaysia anticipated to boost rents here. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 25 Mar 2022

Victims falling prey to scammers posing as property agents have lost some $190,000 recently, according to The Straits Times. Dr Lee Nai Jia warns that the proliferation of fake listings can tarnish the credibility of property portals.
The Straits Times, 22 Mar 2022

Requests to cancel BTO applications have fallen over 2020 and 2021, despite construction delays caused by the pandemic. Amid pandemic headwinds, buyers see BTO as a reliable and affordable option. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 6 Mar 2022

根据新加坡国立大学房地产与城市研究院(IREUS)昨天公布的1月份房地产价格指数(NUS SRPI)预估数据,整体转售价格指数增加0.7%至165.8,连续15个月上扬。
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 March 2022

With property tax rates slated to rise soon, will potential investors seeking capital gains or rental income be deterred? More insights from Dr Lee Nai Jia and Professor Sing Tien Foo in their commentary.
Channel NewsAsia, 25 Feb 2022

Though higher property taxes will raise the cost of home ownership, they are unlikely to trigger an inflation of property prices. Professor Sing Tien Foo and Dr Lee Nai Jia share their insights.
TODAY, 21 Feb 2022

新加坡国立大学房地产(房地产系和房地产与城市研究院的统称)昨日联合发布的去年第四季房地产行情指数(Real Estate Sentiment Index,简称RESI),显示市场显著放缓,反映整体房地产行情的综合行情指数(Composite Sentiment Index)从前一季的6.6,下跌至5.4。
Lianhe Zaobao, 18 Feb 2022

While the composite sentiment index of the Real Estate Sentiment Index (RESI) slid for the fourth consecutive quarter, it nonetheless remained above 5, suggesting that the overall outlook on current and future conditions remained optimistic. Respondents however cite inflation and rising interest rates as top risks that may dampen the market.
The Business Times, 17 Feb 2022

Following the July 2018 cooling measures, commissions increased as sellers sought to incentivise agents to market their properties amid softened buyer demand. Will the latest round of property curbs drive agent commissions up again?
The Business Times, 17 Feb 2022

While a buoyant rental market might seem to be a good reason to buy residential property, investors need to consider other factors at play and also take a longer-term perspective. Dr Lee Nai Jia offers his insights.
The Business Times, 15 Feb 2022

Following the latest round of property curbs, buying sentiments softened, but less so compared to previously. Does this mean that the recent cooling measures were less effective? Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
EdgeProp Singapore, 11 Feb 2022

While the tokenisation of real estate offers opportunities for retail investors to participate in the market, a proper assessment of risk is necessary. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 10 Feb 2022

Given a confluence of factors including project delays and labour disruptions, bullish buying sentiments could still persist after the latest round of cooling measures. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his insights.
The Business Times, 9 Feb 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 Jan 2022

Professor Sing Tien Foo opines that office space is likely to centre on flexibility, with hybrid spaces for mixed use to support a more collaborative and less structured working environment.
The Business Times, 26 Jan 2022

Dr Lee Nai Jia tells The Business Times that for developers, a higher exchange rate will imply lower imported inflation, which means imported construction materials will become cheaper.
The Business Times, 25 Jan 2022

Despite the cooling measures, a confluence of factors – including flats in much sought-after areas reaching MOP soon, delays in BTO projects and pricey private homes – could nonetheless continue to drive demand in the HDB resale market. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As buyers and sellers wait in anticipation in the wake of the property cooling measures, Professor Sing Tien Foo feels that demand in the HDB resale market is likely to remain healthy, and the gap between sellers' asking prices and what buyers are willing to pay is expected to narrow this year.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As REITS-managed malls thrive and expand their footprint here in Singapore, strata-titled shopping centres find themselves being edged out. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 15 Jan 2022

As government credit support measures come to a close, and with interest rates anticipated to rise in the later half of 2022, auctions are anticipated to increase. Dr Lee Nai Jia shares his views.
The Business Times, 12 Jan 2022

Despite a bullish property market, some homeowners last year found themselves unable to fully repay CPF after selling their HDB flats. Professor Sing Tien Foo shares his views.
The Straits Times, 9 Jan 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 7 Jan 2022

Proposed amendments to URA's Housing Developers Rules are intended to help homebuyers make better-informed decisions and also to better protect buyers of uncompleted private residential properties. Dr Lee Nai Jia says that the rule amendments are not likely to be too onerous for existing developers, especially those with good track records.
The Business Times, 5 Jan 2022

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