Commentaries / Op-Eds


Regulating the sharing economy to accurately price in disamenities can be challenging, but not doing so only serves to kick the can down the road, say three experts from the National University of Singapore on Airbnb.
Channel News Asia, 4 November 2017

房地产投资信托基金(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称REIT)问世于1960年代初期。历经半个世纪的成长与蜕变后,成为一种极受小户或机构投资者青睐的投资产品。机构投资者将REIT加入现有的投资组合,作为一种有效分散投资风险的方式。
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 October 2017

Research shows children's nudging can reduce household electricity consumption
the Newpaper, 21 August 2017

房地产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称 REIT) 为房地产开发商和拥有固定房地产资产的公司提供了一个平台,将流动性差的房地产资产证券化,并以发行REIT单位的方式,在证券市场上市交易。
Lianhe Zaobao, 10 August 2017

We are likely to see more successful residential collective sale deals in 2017. But developers beware the nasty disputes that may arise among owners, argues NUS’ Sing Tien Foo.
Channel News Asia, 27 July 2017

Two trends dominate real estate's development in Singapore in the past 50 years. The market went from local to global; and from being a bricks-and-mortar to a capital market.
The Straits Times, 29 March 2017

Water is an important and scarce resource in Singapore. One of the key strategic thrusts in its water supply blueprint is long-term self-sustainability.
The Straits Times, 11 February 2017

The upcoming Chinese New Year is a time for people to read up on what the Chinese zodiac sign can bring to them in terms of fortune, love and health for the year.
The Straits Times, 21 January 2017