Commentaries / Op-Eds


Consider building more jumbo flats to encourage young Singaporean couples to live with their aged parents and have kids, says Sing Tien Foo, director of the NUS Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies.
Channel News Asia, 29 December 2018

The Lease Buyback scheme will likely see more signing up as Singapore ages over the next decade and the headache might be finding buyers for these flats, says Sing Tien Foo.
Channel News Asia, 4 November 2018

Overcoming the horror scenario of ghost towns emerging and of entire towns becoming mass housing construction pits is the key challenge for the Government, say two experts at the NUS Institute of Real Estate Studies.
Channel News Asia, 23 September 2018

Lianhe Zaobao, 15 September 2018

An imagined Housing Redevelopment Board may have more schemes to provide more options for home owners to monetise their old flats but the housing announcements at the National Day Rally provides a heartening start, say two observers from the NUS Institute of Real Estate Studies.
Channel News Asia, 9 September 2018

Resisting redevelopment and insisting on lease extension run counter to what’s best for a family and a neighbourhood, say two observers from NUS’ Institute of Real Estate Studies.
Channel News Asia, 1 September 2018

Lianhe Zaobao, 3 August 2018

With the new cooling measures, those buying a second property for investment purposes might have to set aside almost half of the property price for upfront payments, stamp duties and fees, say two observers.
Channel News Asia, 22 July 2018

Resale prices of Housing and Development Board flats have experienced negative or zero growth for the last 19 consecutive quarters since the third quarter of 2013, in contrast to prices of private property, which started showing signs of recovery in late 2017 after 15 consecutive quarters of declines.
Today, 17 May 2018

从2018年2月20日开始,政府调高购买房地产的买方印花税(Buyer's Stamp Duty),即价值100万元以上的住宅,首100万元后的余额部分所征收的印花税从3%调高至4%。
Lianhe Zaobao, 31 March 2018

Conserving water is a national imperative – and how much water you consume while showering can be reduced by as much as almost 20 per cent through powerful nudges, say two experts from the NUS Business School.
Channel News Asia, 27 March 2018

The higher buyer’s stamp duty may jolt property prices, says director of the Institute of Real Estate Studies at the National University of Singapore.
Channel News Asia, 25 March 2018

Do Singaporeans decide where to live based on superstition and numerology? The National University of Singapore’s Sing Tien Foo finds that many buy an apartment with an auspicious address to signal wealth and status.
Channel News Asia, 16 February 2018

Two National University of Singapore experts discuss the impact of collective sales on the private housing market, including whether prices will continue to edge up.
Channel News Asia, 21 January 2018