Media Quotes


Lianhe Zaobao, 22 October 2018

Lianhe Zaobao, 29 December 2017

Around 17,000 Build-to-Order (BTO) flats will be launched in 2018, maintaining a level of flat supply similar to this year's, National Development Minister Lawrence Wong announced in a blog post on Thursday (Dec 14) morning.
The Straits Times, 14 December 2017

这相信是近两年来集体出售热潮中溢价最高的一次。长春产业及旗下的Sky Top Investments分别标下水晶大厦和富贵园。
Lianhe Zaobao, 2 December 2017

Lianhe Zaobao, 19 November 2017

Collective sale fever: Spotlight on decaying home leases

While a lucky few pocket windfalls, others worry their ageing apartments might become depreciating assets
The Straits Times, 8 November 2017

A property consultancy has offered its view that private residential developments catering to seniors, akin to the community homes in the United States, may be something that Singapore need.
Today, 31 October 2017

Lianhe Zaobao, 26 October 2017

Property developers’ optimism about the market has climbed to its highest level in seven years, or just before the first of a series of policy measures was introduced to cool the market.
Today, 25 October 2017

Developers have grown more optimistic about the current and future state of the Singapore property market, but worry about the Government introducing more cooling measures.
The Straits Times, 25 October 2017

Experts warn that collective sales - even the successful ones - are seldom a hassle-free experience
The New Paper, 14 October 2017

Earlier this month, property agents who are already dwindling in number were dealt another blow when the largest property listings portal here raised its prices.
The Straits Times, 15 September 2017

Lianhe Zaobao, 5 September 2017

More than 1,000 property agents upset about a recent price hike by Singapore's largest property portal have banded together to lobby their interests, that includes planning a boycott of PropertyGuru.
The New Paper, 5 September 2017

More than 1,000 property agents upset about a recent price hike by Singapore's largest property portal have banded together to lobby their interests, including by planning a boycott of PropertyGuru.
The Straits Times, 5 September 2017

Lianhe Zaobao, 31 August 2017

Comments from CapitaLand's chief executive officer Lim Ming Yan last week that there are signs the private residential market could be bottoming out made market watchers sit up for its positive tone from Singapore's largest property player.
The Straits Times, 9 August 2017

Local property search portal PropertyGuru's decision to increase prices for property agents to list on its platform has sparked a backlash among some real estate agents.
Channel News Asia, 3 August 2017

PROPERTY market sentiment continues to improve, going by the latest reading of the quarterly sentiment index published by the developers' body and the National University of Singapore (NUS).
The Business Times, 21 July 2017

High up in the brand-new Otemachi Park Building in the heart of Tokyo's office district, 150 guests gathered in early June to celebrate the opening of CapitaLand's top-end Ascott Marunouchi Tokyo serviced apartments venture. Standing next to former Singaporean Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Junichi Yoshida, CEO of Mitsubishi Estate, which owns the building, CapitaLand chief executive Lim Ming Yan raised an auspicious wooden cup of sake after speaking about the company's aspirations for the Japanese property market.
Nikkei Asian Review, 6 July 2017

If demolished and developed, 38, Oxley Road could transform into a swanky condominium with a trophy address - one its well-heeled residents could boast about.
The Straits Times, 2 July 2017

With the authorities recently affirming the policy stance that no compensation will be awarded to residential property owners upon lease expiry, private home buyers and sellers will soon need to brace themselves for a reality check.
Today, 22 June 2017

A shophouse along Orchard Road has been put up for tender for commercial use by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) in what is the authority's first price and quality tender.
Channel News Asia, 3 May 2017

The latest quarterly Real Estate Sentiment Index which is developed by the Dept of Real Estate at NUS School of Design and Environment and the Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore (Redas), showed that developers’ sentiment in Q1 2017 for the overall real estate market appears to have improved since the last quarter of 2016, although rising inflation and interest rates are flagged as the biggest risks.
The Business Times, 13 April 2017

Lianhe Zaobao, 12 March 2017

Channel 8 News, 27 February 2017

The increase in housing grants for couples buying their first resale flat may inject life into a lacklustre resale market, property analysts said, adding that there is enough of a buffer in housing supply now to deter sellers from jacking up prices.
Today, 22 February 2017

PUBLIC-PRIVATE partnerships featured strongly in the Committee on the Future Economy's list of recommendations for the built sector on Thursday.
The Business Times, 10 February 2017

Channel 8 News, 1 February 2017

Channel 8 News, 27 January 2017