Urban Economic and Transportation

IREUS research agenda in urban economic and mobility covers topics, such as location choice of households; preference for local amenities such as proximity to schools, parks etc.; capitalization effects of new MRT lines; and impact of congestion pricing using the electronic road pricing (ERP) system. The studies exploit various policy announcements as the treatments to test causal-effects in between the relations of spatial changes and real estate prices.

Urban transportation and mobility influence people’s work, live and play activities. An efficient and integrated transport system not only complements urban planning initiatives, but also support the development of a liveable and sustainable urban environment to meet the rapid changing needs of businesses and households. The IREUS research team studies various transportation related studies using unique databases from various sources including the EzLink cards, Electronic Road Pricing (ERP), shared bike etc.


Selected Publications

Agarwal S, Koo KM, and Sing TF. 2015. Impact of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) Charges on Real Estate Prices in Singapore. Journal of Urban Economics 90: 50-59.

Diao M. 2018. Does Growth Follow the Rail? The Potential Impact of High-Speed Rail on the Economic Geography of China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 113 (279): 290.

Diao M. 2019. Towards Sustainable Urban Trasnport in Singapore: Policy Instruments and Mobility Trends. Trasnport Policy.

Diao M, Fan Y, and Sing TF. 2017. A New Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line Construction and Housing  Wealth: Evidence from the Circle Line. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 1 (1): 64-89.

Diao M, Fan Y, and Zhang X. 2019. Rail Transit Development in China and Beyond. Journal of Transport and Land Use 12 (1): 237-239.

Diao M, Leonard D, and Sing TF. 2017. Spatial-Difference-in-Differences Models for Impact of New Mass Rapid Transit Line on Private Housing Values. Regional Science and Urban Economics 67: 64-77.

Diao M, Zhu Y, and Zhu J. 2017. Intra-City Accesss to Inter-City Transport Nodes: The Implications of High-Speed Rail Station Locations for the Urban Development of China Cities. Urban Studies 54 (10): 2249-2267.

Feng S, and Li Q. 2018. Evaluating The Car Ownership Control Policy in Shanghai: A Structural Vector Auto-Regression Approach. Transportation: 205-232.

Qin Y. 2016. China's Trasnport Infrastructure Investment: Past, Present and Future. Asian Economic Policy Review 11 (2): 199-217.

Qin Y. 2017. No Country Left Behind? The Distribution Impact of High-Speed Rail Upgrades in China. Journal of Economic Geography 17 (3): 489-520.

Zhu Y, and Diao M. 2016. The Impacts of Urban Mass Rapid Transit Lines on the Density and Mobility of High-Income Households: A Case Study of Singapore. Trasnport Policy 51: 70-80.

Zhu Y, and Diao M. 2019. Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Public Bicycle Usage and the Impact of Built Environment. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.

Zhu Y, Diao M, Ferreira JJ, and Zegras C. 2018. An Integrated Microsimulation Approach to Land Use and Mobility Modeling. Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1): 633-659.

Zhu Y, Diao M, and Fu G. 2016. Featured Graphic: The Evolution of Accessibility Surface of China in the High-Speed-Rail Era. Environment and Planning A 48 (11): 2108-2111.


Working Papers

Dai F, and Diao M. 2019. The Impact of urban Transit Lines on Household Car Ownership Decisions: Evidence from the Opening of the Circle Line in Singapore.

Diao M, Kong H, and Zhao J. 2019. The Impact of Transport Network Companies on Urban Mobility.

Diao M, McMillen DP, and Sing TF. 2019. Decomposition of Differences in Housing Price Distribution near Urban Rail Transition Stations Using Quantile Regressions.

Diao M, McMillen DP, and Sing TF. 2019. A Spatial Quantile Regression Analysis of Housing Price Distribution near Urban Rail Transit Stations.

Lin Y, Qin Y, Sulaeman J, Yan J, and Zhang J. 2019. Facilitating Investment Flows: Evidence from China's High Speed Passenger Rail Network.

Qin Y, Lin Y, and Xie Z. 2019. International Technology Transfer and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from China's High Speed Railway Technology Transfer.

Song S, Diao M, and Feng C-C. 2019. A Dynamic analysis of the Influence of Transport Supply and Pricing on Household Car Ownership in Singapore.

Song S, Feng C-C, and Diao M. 2019. Vehicle Quota Control, Transport Infrastructure Investment and Vehicle Travel: A Pseudo Panel Analysis in Singapore.


Research Team




SING, Tien Foo