
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and digitalisaton are now at the forefront of investigative studies seeking to automate and rationalise processes across diverse industries, including property and finance. Fintech has made notable headway through blockchain technology and virtual currencies, and has in turn catalysed developments in proptech such as the tokenisation of real estate.
Our research in this area includes studying how technology impacts consumer behaviour as well as business decisions. We also examine big data to uncover new findings, with the objective of informing policymaking and intervention to achieve desired social outcomes.
Agarwal, S., Qian, W., Ren, Y., Tsai, H. T., & Yeung, B. Y. (2020) "The Real Impact of FinTech: Evidence from Mobile Payment Technology".
The researchers utilize the introduction of a mobile payment technology by the largest bank in Singapore in 2017 to study how mobile payment technology reshapes economic activities and stimulates business creation.
Do online listings improve matching in residential property markets? Article based on Sing and Zou (2021)'s "Improving information efficiency in housing markets using online listings".
In a study that matched online portal listings with successful transactions, Sing and Zou (2021) found that online agents typically enjoy better sales and higher prices.
Agarwal, S., Diao, M., Keppo, J., & Sing, T. F. (2020). Preferences of public transit commuters: Evidence from smart card data in Singapore. Journal of Urban Economics, 120, 103288.
This study employs an administrative dataset containing high-frequency transaction records for approximately four million smart transit cards used by Singaporean residents in order to study the travel preferences of public transport commuters.