NUS-IRES Public Lecture on 17th March 2015

Professor Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Chairman of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tokyo will be giving public lecture on the causes of the disappointing growth worldwide after the financial crisis.

SDE Greater Good Series 2015: 13th March 2015

This year, the GGS forum was held on 13 March at the Marriott Hotel.The debate for this forum centred on the topic “Are Real Estate Price Indices Reliable?” Prof. Heng Chye Kiang kicked off the session by giving the opening address. This forum brought together a panel of distinguished speakers, Prof. Daniel McMillen, Mr Alan Cheong, Dr Lee Nai Jia and Dr Chua Yang Liang.

AREUEA Presidential Speech: 4th January 2015

Singaporean universities contribute about 40% of recent rising trend of publications on Asian topics in the top-tier real estate finance and urban economics journals – said Professor Deng Yongheng at his AREUEA Presidential Speech in Boston on 4 Jan, 2015.