Commercial and Corporate Real Estate

Corporate real estate is an important input factor of production for firms. Firms make strategic decisions between owning and leasing corporate real estate, such as factory, warehouse, office and retail space. Investment returns from corporate real estate could influence performance of firms holding a high proportion of corporate real estate in their books. IREUS research agenda include, but not limited to, studying the causal-effects of owning corporate real estate and financial performance of listed firms, collateral channel effects of corporate real estate, real estate securitization and new real estate financial innovations.

Current Research Projects

Workplace Flexibility and Entrepreneurship


Selected Publications

Chiang M-C, Sing TF, and Wang L. 2019. Interactions of Housing Market and Stock Market in the US - A Markov Switching Approach. Journal of Real Estate Research.

Liow KH, Zhou X, Li Q, and Huang Y. 2019. Dynamic Interdependence between the US and the Securitized Real Estate Markets of the Asian-Pacific Economies. Journal of Property Investment & Finance: 92-117.

Ljungqvist A, and Qian W. 2016. How Constraining are Limits to Arbitrage? Review of Financial Studies 29 (8): 1975-2028.

Zhao D, and Sing TF. 2016. Corporate Real Estate Ownership and Productivity Uncertainty. Real Estate Economics 44 (2): 521-547.


Working Papers

Agarwal S, Sing TF, Song C, and Zhang J. 2019. Workplace Flexibility and Enterpreneurship.

Fan Y, Yang Z, and Leung CKY. 2019. Are Corporate Decisions Externally or Internally Driven? The Case of Real Estate Developers.

Fan Y, and Yavas A. 2019. Price Dynamics in Commercial Real Estate Markets.

Huang Y, Li Q, and Liow KH. 2019. Is Housing the Business Cycles? A Multi-Resolution Analysis for OECD Countries.

Li Q, and Sun H. 2019. Informed Speculation about Trading Flows: Price Variability, Trading Volume, and Market Liquidity.

Seah KY, Sing TF, and Wang L. 2019. Spillovers of Non-Fundamental Risks in Securitized Real Estate Companies.


Research Team

FAN, Ying

LI, Qiang

LIOW, Kim Hiang

SING, Tien Foo